Our Services

PoshPetCare has a full-time professional grooming staff to style and pamper your pet 7 days a week. We only use the best-quality products to provide a soothing and cleansing experience that will leave your doggie looking and feeling great!

We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction.


PoshPetCare has a full-time professional grooming staff to style and pamper your pet 7 days a week. We only use the best-quality products to provide a soothing and cleansing experience that will leave your doggie looking and feeling great!

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Full shampoo and conditioning with natural,

eco-friendly and biodegradable products from Envirogroom and Kelco Means Natural

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Teeth Brushing  & Scalling

  • Teeth and gum care is a very important part of a healthy animal. We recommend a tooth brushing at every grooming visit

  • Ear Cleaning, Anal Glands Expression, Nail Clipping/Grinding - We cover it all from nose to tail (and everything in between) to make your pet healthy and happy

  • Additional services include de-shedding, medicated flea bath, sanitary trim, de-matting, face/feet/tail trim

Service Request

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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